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Design Blog.

Time to Spring Forward

Time to Spring Forward Well folks, it’s almost here. We made it through the bleak winter, the cold days and nights, and the continuously grey


Finding your Focal Point

When designing a room, a kitchen, a living room, a sun room, etc., one of the biggest things to think about is the focal point. What


Hello There, LEE!

Valentine’s Day – the most romantic day of the year. Leading up to it we think of the customary candle lit dinners, flowers and chocolates. 


Interior Lighting

Interior Lighting Remember the days of florescent lights and the too bright hallways in your school walls? Where everything seemed to be under a microscope?


Penny for Your Thoughts?

Copper is the New Stainless In interior design, trends come and trends go; some are (thankfully) short-lived. Remember when the “it” color scheme was avocado


Holiday Table Tops

Holiday Table Tops With Christmas just around the corner, many are frantically getting last minute decorations up and out of their boxes for all to enjoy. Don’t


Thanksgiving Table Tops

There are two types of people in this world – there are the decorators and then there are those who absolutely don’t have a decorating


Fall Inspiration

Fall Inspiration It’s been quite some time since we’ve posted anything in our blog – I mean months. We just got busy. Busy with work,


Celebrating the 4th in Style

Celebrating the 4th in Style As we come near the 4th of July holiday, the backyard barbecues, the fireworks, and the parades and flags, most


Beat the Heat

Its summer and it’s hot! I mean last week we broke a record here in Kalispell reaching 95 degrees – in June! Last time we


Outdoor Living Spaces

As a design and architecture firm located in the Rocky Mountain region it has become almost a standard feature with our new home designs to


Dining Room Lighting Tips

Lighting the dining room can be a tricky task.  Often people put up a chandelier and assume their lighting work is done.  Follow these tips
